Friday, April 6, 2012

Mean Well But Don't Understand

I have a great family and a great group of friends! I always listen to the advice that I'm given, but until you've walked a mile in my "infertility" shoes, then you really don't understand. It makes me think of how many times I tell a person, "oh you can get through it", "its not as hard as it looks", or " in the end it will be so worth it". Who am I really to tell someone that, because I don't really know their struggles or what they've actually been through. Just because I'm able to make it through or push on doesn't mean they have that same strength. I consider myself a strong woman who can handle her own, but the fact I can't have a baby for my husband has broken me. Yes I'm praying, Yes I know to be patient, Yes I listen! But all of those things don't shake my yearning for a child!

"And she made this vow: 'O Lord of Hosts, if You will look upon the suffering of Your maidservant and will remember me and not forget Your maidservant, and if You will grant Your maidservant a male (*or daughter) child, I will dedicate him to the Lord for all the days of his (*or her) life.'"

Source: 1 Samuel 1:11

Lord, Give me Strength...

--To keep my cool when another period starts.

--To keep my chin up when a co-worker announces her pregnancy.

--To have a good relationship with my friend in spite of her ability to conceive easily and not be jealous of her.

--To endure my sister-in-law's comments about toilet training.

--To keep from crying when I see children begging on the roads.

--To forgive my doctor when he keeps me waiting for two hours for a consultation - and then can't remember my name.

--To make the right decision about treatment.

--To maintain a good relationship with my husband in spite of all this.

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